Blackland Innovations


Venture building

Happily ever after

Change does not happen overnight. Building businesses that create radical positive impact on the lives of many and the world around us takes time. It requires hard work, dedication, and a lot of love. That’s why we prefer long-term relationships over one-night stands, ready to go on our first date?

Create a business

Develop digitally

Scale at speed

Create a business

There are many roads that will lead you to a new business model. Venturing might be our favorite. It is like business model innovation, but on steroids.


The big difference is that we put our skin in the game. By sharing the risk and reward of our endeavor we make sure that we are as invested as you are. Literally. We partner up to design, build and grow a breakthrough business at the speed of light. We have a dedicated team of entrepreneurial spirits who each have their individual superpower, but together can move mountains.

Develop digitally

We are knee-deep into the 21st century. We think it is safe to say: no modern-day business is built without technology or without a stack of data. In fact, every company that has disrupted the way we are doing business today is tech-driven.

Understanding the real value of new shiny technology, and how you can use it to create value for your existing and future customers, plays a big role in developing your next business. One of our ventures, Bonana, comes into play here. Bonana is not only our in-house digital development agency, they also take on technology development projects on their own. And the good news is, if we can’t build it ourselves, we come with a network of A-List partners to get the job done. 

Scale at speed

When we get to the magical phase of scaling our venture, our relationship has been going steady for some time. It’s time to go big. Because at this point, there is no more going home.

We have discovered where there is value for our customers, our society, and our planet. We have validated our value proposition into perfection. We have fine-tuned our product to demonstrate undeniable traction in the market. All signals are green. Now we switch gears to full execution mode, spinning the business into your existing organization, or letting it grow independently. We have successfully launched our business.

Building breakthrough businesses is just more fun when we team up, for real