Blackland Innovations


Growth Strategies

Strategies that turn business opportunities into positive results

The world is quite dynamic, to say the least. It challenges us with a lot of uncertainties about the future. But one thing is crystal clear: ever-evolving customer needs,  shape-shifting technologies and the enormous pressure on our natural ecosystems are unlocking a huge amount of potential to create value.


It’s up to you to build that business. But we know it is hard to keep up with the latest and greatest while you are also running your daily operations. That’s why we are here! Whether it is growing your current business or building your future one. We have your back. Because we are on a mission to design, build and grow better businesses.

We support you with our award-winning design approach.

Our strategies get real bottom line results for people, planet and profit.


International supermarket chain SPAR has the vision to help their shop owners deliver high-quality, value-for-money shopping experiences to their communities. But how do you stay connected to your community in a world where online shopping has become the default and your business model is designed around a physical touch point? Right, you need to go digital. Here’s how we partnered-up to take the team from ambition to real results.

Having a strategy and being strategic are two different things

A clear vision to create future value and impact

An action plan to take your strategy from paper to practice

An aligned and engaged team that is ready to build your future

How do we get you to results?

1. We spot opportunities

The world around you, and your business, is filled with innumerable opportunities to create game-changing businesses. Because evolving customer needs, shape-shifting technologies and pressure on our natural ecosystems are unlocking a huge amount of potential to create value for your customers in the future. 

These opportunities are yours for the taking, if you know how to look for them. And even though we cannot predict your future (yet), we help you to identify opportunity areas to explore are value-creation opportunities worth pursuing. 

2. Create a crystal clear vision

What role does your company want to play in the next 3, 5, 10 years? How are you going to make an impact in the life of your customers, for our society and the world around us. Together we sharpen your vision for the future.

Once we have that shared image, we sketch on-strategy business model options that lead to a diverse portfolio. What you get is a roadmap with different innovation routes to take. Some are closer to your current business, some so far off that we take you way beyond your expectations, each journey bringing you closer to realizing your vision. 

3. Strategy stories that stick

Time for action! Our strategies look good on paper, but even better in real life. Now making your future vision a reality all comes down to your team. Because successful innovation begins with your people embracing change, together. That’s why we bring along your entire team and organization.

Every strategy comes with a story that sticks. Giving you the right narrative to engage your stakeholders on your mission to shift your business model. You know what they say right?  If you want to go far, you go together. So what are you waiting for?