Blackland Innovations


Innovation Organization

This is where we help you to innovate better by growing all superpowers you need to turn your organization into an innovative powerhouse.

1. Integrate innovation

Rank your current business on a scale from 1 to 10. How likely is it to stay the same in the next 5 years? Unlikely, we know. That’s why you always need to be on the lookout for your next opportunity.


Searching for value and building your future business is different than delivering value today. In fact, it requires a different organizational approach. So don’t be the next Kodak (smile, you’re on camera) and make innovation an essential part of your company’s strategy. We build a structure that fits you today, but allows for your future ambitions. We are talking the full shebang: from operating model to decision-making process, and from resource allocation to training programs for your team.


What do you get:

  • Innovation organization and governance model that sets you up for success.
  • Customized process for business model innovation that can be integrated into your company.
  • New tools and way of working to empower your teams.

2. Manage a Portfolio

You can no longer stick with one single, static business model. But how do you manage new business models while maintaining existing ones? The answer is simple: a portfolio of business models. Ironically, managing a portfolio is far from simple.


Your portfolio exists of your current business model and a funnel full of on-strategy initiatives that all have a different maturity levels. In order for you to make more informed investment decisions, we get you a structured overview, including clearly defined stage-gates and metrics. Each stage has its own learning, development and return on innovation goals. This also gives you the opportunity to see where there is space to go out and explore for more breakthrough business model ideas. No more guesswork, but a well-balanced portfolio and system that gives you a grip on innovation.


What do you get:

  • Overview of all your initiatives and their maturity.
  • Ability to manage your innovation portfolio with a holistic approach and in line with your strategy.

3. Start a movement

We said it before, and we will say it again: innovation is a different ballgame. You need talented players and a clear strategy to win. It is about finding the right people for the right job at the right time in the process. We coach, we train, hack – we even play the game with you.


But innovation is a movement, not an action. And movements are started by people. Your people! Transforming your organization into an innovation powerhouse means that you need to ignite a spark in your people. From your leadership team, to the ones running the show. And for those who think innovation is fuzzy, to the real entrepreneurial spirits. Good thing that we are excellent fire starters, if you are ready for fireworks. Check out how we teamed up with Wacker to level up their power.


What do you get:

  • Engaged innovation community.
  • A shared language, and common understanding around innovation.
  • Improved team capability to innovate better and faster.

Innovation is a movement, not an action. And movements are started by (y)our people.


How to design the future

Wacker Chemie
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